social media marketing

Most entrepreneurs believe that social media marketing is free. To a small degree, this is correct. To a large degree, there are the costs of planning, photography setup, consistent brand voice, and actually posting to the social platforms.

Superior Marketing has the expertise and years of experience in developing and executing successful social campaigns. Our work is strategic in nature, planned in advance, executed with detail, and measured for performance.

Check out some of the sample social marketing efforts below that worked to develop results for these organizations.

Contact us today to see for yourself if we can help you achieve your social media market goals.

Dina Mia Kitchens, Iron River MI

Sample Social Media Posting
Fabulous response

The social campaign had reached 588 target market members within 3 hours of launching. Very successful event for this frozen food manufacturer.

Dina Mia Kitchens, Iron River MI

Sample Social Media Posting
Integrated Marketing Communications

The social efforts we put together for Dina Mia Kitchens is integrated across their social platforms, and all tied directly into their webiste for e-comm purchaes.

Riverside Pizzeria, Iron River MI

Superior Marketing Social Media Post
High Engagement

Riverside Pizzeria has a very strong social presence, with high engagement. This post was to promote St. Pat's Day, and to maximize the family friendly atmosphere of Riverside Pizzeria.

Upper Peninsula Accounting

Upper Peninsula Accounting Social Media Post
High Engagement

Upper Peninsual Bookkeeping is an accounting firm that provides services for business and individuals. We started this effort, and it immediatley get followers from the UP.

Linsmeier Implement, Menominee MI

Social Marketing Video

This is a simple, fun, engaging social marketing post to keep current followers engaged with the brand. And, it has a simple happy message for the viewers. All part of the company's family branding strategy.

Dina Mia Kitchens

Social Marketing Video

Video created for fun and engagement for the Dina Mia Kitchens followers.

120 N Main, PO BOX 283, L'Anse MI, 49946 (906) 201-1995

Superior Marketing, Upper Peninsula Marketing Department   Just the wave, not the water.