Graphic Design
Graphic design is part of our DNA. Design should be clean and simple. Meaningful and powerful. We work every day designing collateral for our clients in Superiorland.
Check out some of the sample graphic designs below. We can design for you too. Tee-shirts, advertising specialties, fliers, brochures, logos, and other things that are seen by the eye.

Sophisticated and modern
The design above is logo work for a local company that includes a business card, letterhead, and business envelope. The client has ordered glossy print promo flier as well.

serenity and hope
This logo design above is for a local non-profit that helps persons suffering from addiction. The artistic direction was to design a logo that offers serenity and hope, a feeling of solace by arriving at home. We imagined many designs incorporating butterflies or a lighthouse, and settled on this one of a beacon that represents a guiding light and solace.

Glossy Print Product Brochure
The photo above is the cover (back and front covers) of a 12 page glossy print product brochure. The brochure is organized by product class, which includes tables of specifications, and photographs of product usage. An awesome sales tool.

Product Package for fishing Tackle
Retro is cool and in style right now. The retro design above is for a tackle company that packages lures and tackle for great lakes fishermen. It is really cool, and it stands out among all the other package designs hanging on pegs in fishing shops.

Pocket folder for clinic
The photo above is a sample of our graphic design for a pocket folder. This client provides his customers with supporting documentation that they can use for for their wellbeing. This pocket folder has a place for the business card of the provider.